
There are times when we could all use a helping hand...

Many people want to develop a mindfulness practice so they can live more resilient, meaningful, and joyful lives.  Unfortunately, there are times when it’s challenging to live mindfully, even when you want to.  The reality is that it's easy to get distracted.  You  can lose focus when the demands of life get the upper hand.   And, there are  times when you just get stuck.   When that happens, taking a mindfulness course may not be what you need.  You may even be so busy that you can't find the time to take a mindfulness course!  What options do you have then?

If you have had difficulties with starting or maintaining a practice, realizing the benefits of living mindfully,  or if you just want some individual support to get unstuck, then a personalized  program may be just the thing you need to get into action. 

We offer one-on-one Personal Guidance to help you start enjoying the benefits of living mindfully in a way that is:

Personal Guidance is similar to coaching, but with a lighter touch.   Coaching is often used in a business setting, where the goal is to improve your performance or get better at something.  The purpose of Personal Guidance might be to move towards a specific goal, but it can be much broader.  it's designed to help you engage with your goals and values, identify the barriers that interfere with your well-being, and choose positive attitudes and skillful practices to enhance your quality of life.

To learn more, click on the link below and fill out the contact form to set up a no-obligation initial conversation.  And, as an introductory offer, we are offering this service on a donation-basis.  Enhancing your well-being has never been easier or more affordable!.